Friday, October 31, 2008

The last word

What is it about the human mentality that makes one want to have the last word? Whether it is a conversation, argument, opinion or a debate there is always someone involved who needs to and must have the last word.

I don't understand this desire in people. Will having the last word make the person more correct than everyone else? Does it signify that he/she has "won" the battle of words? Sadly, it's not just in verbal battles that this funda is displayed, it is even displayed in normal conversations. For e.g. I have a friend who must always have the last word when we chat or sms each other. If while chatting on a communicator she types bye and then I type bye, she will still reply back with an "OK bye"!!! Same thing when it comes to messaging.

I am a part of a few discussion forums and I have seen that there are always people who will intervene in a heated debate to try and act as peace-makers, state their opinion and then end their reply with "we must end this conversation now" or "please do not post anymore on this subject after my post" or even "in my opinion the issue should be closed now". Don't they realize that just like they have vented out what they feel, there may be many more who wish to do the same? Why can't such people try and let others opine all they want, if you don't like it, don't read it. What gives these people authority to decide when a conversation should end?

The 'last-word' concept is something that most of us have experienced first-hand as kids. On innumerable occasions parents tell their children "my decision is the last-word on this topic, no more discussions on this". Does it create such a huge impact that these children grow up and emulate their parents? It's probably good to be someone whose opinion is considered as the last word on a subject, but to be a self declared prophet who must have the last word is simply ridiculous! I think it is their supreme ego which makes them believe that they are the know-it-alls and hence must be given due respect by accepting their word as final. It is one thing to be authoritative with a child and another to be egoistic with mature adults. I see many parents today who will still try and use this technique with children and claim that whatever they say must be done and followed to the T, they will argue with their children about something and even if the child is right they will end the conversation by stating their opinion and declaring it as the last word!

Maybe it is time we learn that everyone is entitled to their opinion and has the freedom to express it. Having the last word does not prove anything, it may only prove that the person you are debating with has given up on you and has chosen to let you live with your opinions and to let himself live with his own.

To end on a lighter note here is a quotation that I came across "In every argument between a husband and a wife, the wife always has the last word. Anything the husband says after that is the beginning of a new argument".

Feel free to leave me your comments for I am not the one to say that this is the "last-word" on this topic :-)

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