Thursday, October 9, 2008


Almost a decade ago I came across a quotation that said “Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups”. I can’t remember who said this, but it rung so true that I lived by it for a very long time. Eventually I have come to realize that while this quotation is absolutely true, there us a truer corollary: Assumption is the mother of all Expectations, which in turn is the mother of all Screw-ups.

Thus Assumptions and Expectations are inextricably linked. You start expecting when you make certain assumptions. You expect people to behave in a certain way when you assume that they belong to a selected category in your head. A child expects his mother to come and console him when he cries, since he assumes that it is his mother’s job, simply because she has done this in the past. I read once in a Sidney Sheldon novel, where one character tells the other that when you ASSUME, what you actually do is ASS-U-ME i.e. when you assume you make an ass out of you and me!

We make several assumptions on a minute by minute basis which give rise to expectations which in turn cause disappointment and unhappiness. Alexander Pope once said “Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed”, and I think this is unquestionably true.  It is true that all problems start when we expect from others, but then, can we truly live without expectations? Is it wrong if we expect something from our life partners? How do we define the people from whom we can have expectations that will be met and those from whom it makes no sense to have expectations? Or can we have expectations from members of our immediate family?

In that case, if a parent expects something from their child, or vice versa, is there a chance that they will face disappointment? Or if we expect something from our best friend is there a chance that they will not live up to our expectations? I think the answer on both counts is an unfortunate resounding YES! At the end of the day we are all human, and we cannot keep living up to the expectations of others, be it parents, partners, children or friends. Socially we are required to carry out some duties and responsibilities towards each other, but we may not always do so. If all of us decide to base our expectations on the social norms, we can never be happy; in fact we will end up as disappointed and angry people.

Maybe we should only have expectations from ourselves. That way we can do all the good we want to and are happy in ourselves. The problem arises, when we think that if I can do so much for this person, can I not expect this person to do just a few good things for me? The answer my friends, is NO. We need a paradigm change in how we think. When we do something good for someone else, do we get pleasure out of it? Most often we do. So basically we do something for someone else because it gives us a sense of accomplishment and happiness. Now, if we choose to remember this as the first and foremost principle, rarely will we face disappointment.

The next time you cook something very special for your partner, think of the joy you got out of seeing their happy face. Then remind yourself that what you did was for your own joy, the fact that your partner felt great about it is just a by-product of your action. The objective of doing this was to achieve joy, which you did, period. Then you will not expect your partner to turn up with flowers or gifts the next day and will thus save yourself the disappointment, if they don’t turn up with anything! Make it your own responsibility to keep yourself happy, and then do what it takes. Sounds selfish? Not really, because more often than not you will get happiness by doing things for your family and friends, this makes them happy and makes you happy too…wow, now isn’t that a Win-Win for all!

Very often, in soap operas and in real life, I’ve heard a mother telling her child “I took care of you in my womb for 9 months, changed your diapers, fed you, stayed up with you and took care of you when you were sick, bought you things and made you a good grown up individual just to see this day?”. This anger comes from her frustrated expectations. She forgets that she bore a child because she wanted to be a mother, she took care of child because she got joy out of the motherhood it was not something she did as a favor to this person. Don’t misunderstand, I am not saying the child should be ungrateful and should not care for the sacrifices made by the mother. But at the same time the mother too should not expect her child to be eternally grateful for all that she did, it is not humanly possible. We humans are selfish, in everything we do we expect some return or the other; the return could be a simple sense of fulfillment, nothing wrong with that. By bearing a child and bringing that child up the mother experiences a sense of being complete, which is great. But to expect anything more than that can give rise to disappointment. One school of thought will say that the child should be grateful to the mother eternally, it is only fair. But that reminds me of what Dennis Wholey, an old American television host, once said that “Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian.”

The world is not fair, it can never be. It is crazy to expect it to be fair. Be assured, the quickest way to achieve unhappiness, anger and disappointment is to expect from others. Life cannot be based on expectations. To quote Charlotte Bronte “Life is so constructed that an event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation.” The only person you can have expectations from is yourself, because it is then up to you and only you to realize those expectations and to live by them. 

Stop expecting your in-laws (parents-in-law and children-in-law) to live by your fundas, stop expecting your parents or children to pull you of bad situations, stop expecting every friend of yours to be there for you, stop expecting the government to do something good for you, stop expecting people to be nice to you, basically STOP EXPECTING. Start DOING what you want to do, for yourselves and for others and always always always remember, that you are doing what you are doing, because you are getting joy out of doing it. Don’t do it if you are getting no happiness out of it. It’s not worth it. Have great expectations, but only from yourself, not from others. It is up to you to be happy and not up to others to make you happy, don’t expect anyone to do anything to make you happy, that way when someone does do something that gives you happiness, it will be a pleasant surprise and will double your joy. Simple isn’t it...well not really, but I think we owe it to ourselves to try and do this, for our own sake.

And finally to end with the words of Mark Twain, remember, Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get! J



Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tolerant Indians

India is known as a secular and tolerant country, which makes us Indians tolerant and secular. We are secular and tolerant, no doubt about it but do we need to be so secular and so tolerant?

On 5th October, a few Bangladeshi immigrants were unhappy as they were not able to “express their freedom” and out of frustration they hoisted Pakistan’s flag at three places in Assam. It is beyond me to understand why Bangladeshi immigrants who are considered as Indians by the govt. of India would want to hoist a Pakistani Flag to express their freedom??? What did the govt. do about it? Nothing!

If you visit the BBC Country profile of India and see the map of India there, you will see that Kashmir is divided in 3 parts;

Part 1: India-Controlled Kashmir
Part 2: Pakistan-Controlled Kashmir and
Part 3: North-eastern most part of Kashmir that is shaded off in grey and is clearly not a part of India or Pakistan-Controlled Kashmir seems to be a part of China!

(See the map here:

And what has the govt. of India done about it? We’ve been fighting this war for ages and the result is still nothing!

At this rate the day is not far when half of the north eastern India would come under Bangladesh, Arunachal Pradesh would be taken by China and maybe Manipur would come under Myanmar.

But we are a tolerant country so maybe we will continue to tolerate that, just the way we tolerate so much bullshit all our lives! If someone passes a negative remark about Indians we just smile and say that their opinion why get in to a fight about it, we are tolerant. If someone occupies our land we say let’s “talk” about it, even if we talk for more than 50 years, we are tolerant. It is as if this gene of tolerance in us.

Day after day we adjust to our surrounding and make huge sacrifices because we are tolerant. The roads in India are bad, the govt. is not doing a good job, people take us for granted but we sit quietly, we get stuck in traffic jams for 25Kms, our policemen work purely on bribes as is the case with most govt. officials, but it is all ok, why? Because we are tolerant.

Not only that at our workplaces, if we work for 12 hrs as opposed to our foreign counterparts who work 8 hours, we don’t say anything about it. If people take credit for our work again we are tolerant and accept it. We tolerate everything that may seem unfair simply because we are trained to do so.

When family members violate our personal space, we tolerate it. When people misbehave with women, most women ignore it. When married women are mistreated by in-laws she is expected to tolerate it. Even with the dowry system becoming illegal, people still give and take dowry and we tolerate it. So much so that parents of a girl child will go to an astrologer and ask him, will my daughter ever divorce her husband and come back to our house; do you see that in her future? It is such a dreadful thought for them to have their daughters fighting with their husbands/in-laws against their torture/cruelty/lack of respect and finally leaving them and returning to her parents. Every daughter is told to compromise and adjust once she gets married. Every daughter is told that her husband’s house is her home now and she has to live there for the rest of her life and that she has to keep everyone happy. Even if the daughter sometimes complains to her parents that she is being treated badly, the parents still hesitate to ask her take action, they still tell her to be tolerant. It is as if we are trained to tolerate as much bullshit as we can, sometimes even more than what we can.

I still remember this incident that someone narrated to me. This happened in US, there was an Indian father who was scolding this 6yr old daughter and he was so upset with her that he raised his hand to hit her. This little girl, very calmly told her father “You don’t want to do that dad, if you hit me, I will call 911 and complain about it. My teacher told us in school today that it is not ok for parents to hit their children, so don’t do it”. The father was so shocked that he was absolutely speechless. This 6yr old has already learnt to not tolerate anything that may violate her space and her respect, and here we are, a lot older than this 6 yr old, but still tolerating everything that comes our way.

Why do we do it? What will it take for us to finally accept that we have a right to a good life, a safe life and a happy life? When will we learn to stand up and get what we deserve instead of just accepting every piece of shit thrown at us?