Saturday, August 30, 2008

Time to let Children be Children and Adults be Adults

There is something drastically wrong with today’s parenting style. Parents egg on their children to behave like adults and talk like adults, to such an extent that they lose all their innocence. And once these children actually become adults and start having a life of their own, they treat these adults more and more like kids!
We see dozens of kids on TV today participating in reality shows and saying things which at their age we did not even think of! They are superb politicians, playing the reality game so well that you almost fall off your chair. Talk to these little people and you will hear some of the most amazing things from them. They discuss unimaginable topics with you, are terribly street-smart and make comments that even we would hesitate to make. They are Bold and Ready to take on the world, all at an age when they should be in the play grounds having fun. Even when they are playing, it’s not the old “House-House” game or snakes and ladders or ludo, they are playing “Office-Office”, they are role-playing their parents, pretending to be taking business calls, booking themselves in first class on flights and flying all over the world for work, just like Mom/Dad. Is this growing too much too soon or is it a part of adapting to the new world? Frankly, I am not so sure. The parents love this about their kids, boast about it and show off as if it’s a major Gold win at the Olympics.
But then as soon as these kids become adults, get jobs, get married and have their own life, these same parents suddenly realize that their “kids” want to cut off the umbilical cords, and this is somehow not acceptable to them. The kids are now full grown adults but somehow parents can’t see this, can’t accept this. Actually its very confusing, on one hand these parents want to become grandparents as soon as their kids get married, conveniently forgetting that this means their kids will have to become adults and more importantly parents and on the other they still want their umbilical cords to remain intact!
And God forbid, if they move to different cities, well phone companies will make crazy loads of money! It’s amazing how they have a need to talk not only on a daily basis but multiple times on a daily basis! And if they miss one call then it’s like all hell breaks loose, they panic and worry as if one missing call means the worst possible has happened to you. Have they never heard about “No news is good news”? Do they not realize that if something goes wrong they’ll definitely hear about it? It is too much of an expectation to keep that children will call their parents multiple times and give them a report of their daily life, and frankly what can you talk about every single time? Does it not become a mere formality then, and if it does, then why do it at all?
Do the children not need some space of their own to bond, to grow together and have a family-life with each other as well? It is necessary to remember that it is only when these “kids” realize that they are grown up and have responsibilities that they will be able to start their own families. It would be wise if parents realized that the kids are now adults and need to be treated as such. In a relationship with our partner we can always talk of how we need ‘space’ but how do you explain this to parents?
Parents today need to acknowledge the fact that there is an age for everything, when your children are small; that’s when you can monitor them, guide them, question them, keep tabs on them and interfere in their lives to help them become good adults, that’s when you can let them be kids, but once they grow up, you can’t control them anymore and boss them around. They are individuals with a mind and life of their own which they have a right to live
It is necessary to realize that it’s not nice to see small kids talk and behave like adults and it’s definitely utterly displeasing to see adults being treated like children. It’s best to let children be children and adults be adults, that’s the only natural way to live happily and that’s how everyone deserves to live.

Friday, August 29, 2008

My first post

Well I've finally done it, after years of contemplating I have finally created my own web space, one where I can pour out my thoughts. Its a huge achievement! Ok so thats all Ive got for now, i will be back..with more...i little later :)
Till then BYE!